With a week to go in the Ontario provincial election, there is increasing talk of strategic voting by those who see voting Green as a vote for the Conservatives. Here are a few rebuttals to that argument - which one(s) describe you! Be bold, Vote Green, Vote for Andrew West.
Platform Launch
The Green Party platform is a plan for all Canadians, for our democracy, our economy, our communities – our future. It is a plan for safe, happy, fulfilled and enriched lives. It is a plan to help those in need, to support small business and to grow local communities. It is a plan filled with optimism and conviction, not fear and the status quo. We hope it will inspire you to join us, and to vote Green on October 19.
Green Values
Unlike most other parties, Green Parties around the world share common values as expressed in the Charter of the Global Greens. The policies of the Green Party of Canada are based on six fundamental principles.