Membership in the Green Party shows our leaders and other Canadians that you are committed to the values of the party, and to creating a Canada that will reflect those values.
With membership you can:
Participate in your local riding team (that’s us!) and help choose your next election candidate
Influence Green Party policy development
Vote in party elections
Keep up to date with Green Party activities
The Green Party of Canada (GPC) and the Green Party of Ontario (GPO) are distinct, so please consider joining both to support more representation in the House of Commons and Queen’s Park respectively.
Signing up for a monthly donation with your membership is the most effective way to support the Green Party. As a monthly donor your contributions will ensure that we have steady resources to continue building support and promoting our Green vision. Alternatively you can sign up for a one year membership with a donation of $10 (or more) or a three year membership with a donation of $25 (or more).
Please use the buttons below to join, select an amount and choose whether to contribute monthly. Thank you!
Donations are eligible for generous tax credits. The rebate is 75% on the first $400 you donate. This means, for example, that:
A one-time donation of $100 will only cost you $25 after tax credits;
A monthly donation of $10 will only cost you $30 per year after tax credits.
Tax receipts will be issued in February of the year following your donation(s).