You are invited to our Annual General Meeting. Come and have your say in the plans for the Kanata—Carleton riding over the next year. We invite you to consider joining our Executive team to make those plans a reality. Nominations will be announced and positions will be filled upon election at the AGM. If you are interested in joining and would like more information on the different positions, please send us an email. We would like to have you on board!
Guest Speaker: Stephen Kotze, Green Party Candidate for Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston in 2019, will talk about his campaign in the riding next door. Stephen more than tripled the Green support from 2015 to win 11% of the vote. This was the strongest Green result in Eastern Ontario.
Please note:
You must be a member for 30 days to vote for the new executive team. Lapsed members (membership ended less than one year ago) can renew online and resume voting privileges immediately.
You must attend the AGM to vote - proxy voting is not permitted.
Membership in the GPO and GPC is separate. We encourage everyone to join both.
You do not need to be a member to attend the AGM.
If you have any questions please contact
We look forward to seeing you! Please tell us if you plan to attend.
Nick Bowler
President, Kanata—Carleton Green Party of Ontario Constituency Association
Jason Scott
CEO, Kanata—Carleton Green Party of Canada Electoral District Association
About the Associations: The purpose of the Electoral District Association (Federal) and the Constituency Association (Provincial) is to help foster an active Green Community in the riding, to fund-raise for the next election and to help select local Green Party members select a candidate to best represent the riding in parliament. The EDA and CA are separate entities reporting to Elections Canada and Elections Ontario respectively. The federal EDA is governed by this constitution. The provincial CA is governed by this charter and bylaws.
About the Executive: The Executive is responsible for running the EDA and CA to achieve their purpose. We operate a joint federal-provincial executive: the federal and provincial officer positions cannot be shared; however the remaining roles are combined for efficiency.