We represent the Green Party of Ontario and the Green Party of Canada in Kanata—Carleton.
Greens represent Canadians in four provinces and federally.
Greens represent Canadians from coast to coast to coast. Greens have been elected federally since 2006, and increasingly in provinces across Canada. Greens now sit in the provincial legislatures of Ontario, BC, New Brunswick and PEI. All are making a difference speaking truth to power.
You can learn about upcoming Events, find out how we are organised and operate, read our Blog, and most importantly take action by joining, donating to, learning about and volunteering. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or have questions please contact us.
Start the month by meeting area Greens to chat about local issues and a Green approach to a better world. To start 2025, join us on January 8 at the 3 Brewers in Kanata.