We represent the Green Party of Canada in Kanata and the Green Party of Ontario in Kanata—Carleton.
Choose Jennifer Purdy for Canadian Greens in Kanata!
Thank you to Dr Jennifer Purdy, our Ontario Greens candidate in the 2025 Ontario provincial election. And thank you to all the volunteers, donors, supporters and voters who helped in this campaign. Every contribution, every vote, every show of support for Jennifer and Green party solutions helps.
Did you know that Jennifer is running in the federal election for Canadian Greens? This will be her third federal election, having previously run in 2019 and 2021. Dr Purdy is a family physician, a busy mother of triplets, and a 23-year veteran of the Canadian Armed Forces. She is committed to evidence-based medicine and a passionate defender of equality and human rights everywhere.
We hope that you will continue to support Jennifer in the federal election. You can learn more about Jennifer here and on her website. You can get involved through the buttons below.
Greens represent Canadians in four provinces and federally.
Greens represent Canadians from coast to coast to coast. Greens have been elected federally since 2006, and increasingly in provinces across Canada. Greens now sit in the provincial legislatures of Ontario, BC, New Brunswick and PEI. All are making a difference speaking truth to power.
“If the Premier truly wants to improve the quality of life for Ontario families then he cannot ignore the urgent need to address the climate and housing crises any longer.”
Did you know that our federal riding of Kanata-Carleton is affected by redistribution? The new boundaries took effect at the start of the 45th general election, which started on March 23rd, 2025. You can learn more on our blog.
You can learn about upcoming Events, find out how we are organised and operate, read our Blog, and most importantly take action by joining, donating to, learning about and volunteering. If you can’t find what you’re looking for or have questions please contact us.
“The Green Party is not like any of Canada’s other political parties. Our mission is to rescue democracy from politics. Our goal is to look beyond the next election to the world we will leave for our children. ”
Another election means another campaign. And Jennifer Purdy is ready for it! Join us to launch her federal campaign for the Canadian Greens at “The 3 Brewers” in the Centrum, North Kanata.